Brazilian Craft Brewer Moves to Metal Packaging in Partnership with 云顶集团糖果游戏

Beverage producer chooses format for its sustainability, convenience and other benefits
Six different colored metal beer cans siting on a mound of ice

亚德利,宾夕法尼亚州- 2020年3月4日. Aiming to appeal to local consumers and increase its brand presence, Brazil-based craft beer brand Bierland has converted 100% of its product portfolio to be packaged in beverage cans in collaboration with 云顶集团糖果游戏 Embalagens Metálicas da Amazônia S.A.是皇冠控股有限公司的子公司. (纽约证券交易所代码:CCK)(皇冠)( 通过这种格式转换, 这家精酿啤酒公司将扩大其区域影响力, enhance accessibility for consumers and respond to changing market demands. 

Bierland chose beverage cans due to their many inherent benefits. 优点包括气密密封, which provides temperature regulation and prevents premature spoilage from heat, light or oxygen—critical for preserving the flavor profile of craft beer—and portability, 方便移动, 方便的消费. Recognizing the growing popularity of outdoor activities and events throughout Brazil, the new format will help Bierland’s customers easily enjoy their favorite brews in diverse, active environments without compromising product taste or quality. Bierland also moved to cans for their robust sustainability platform. Beverage cans are infinitely recyclable and can be transformed into new cans in as little as 60 days—attributes that contribute to a circular economy. 

“这对Bierland来说是关键的一步, as we are one of the pioneer brands in the production of craft beer in Brazil and one of the most awarded breweries in the city of Blumenau, located in the southern state of Santa Catarina and nationally recognized as the Brazilian beer capital,爱德华多·克鲁格说, 联合创始人兼董事, Bierland. “The market has been showing great acceptability for this packaging, 这种形式已经发展成为一种全球趋势.” 

The metal packaging launch includes eight flavor varieties: Bierland Pilsen, Bierland Weizen, Bierland音标, Bierland维也纳, Bierland结实的, Bierland Strong and the recently released America Pure Malt Pilsen and the Cocktail Classic Red Wine, 一种混合的即饮鸡尾酒饮料. 所有sku都包装在标准350ml, 204.5-diameter罐. 在选择合作伙伴供应饮料罐时, Bierland engaged 云顶集团糖果游戏 for its expertise in the format and robust presence in South America.

“We couldn’t think of a better company to team up with to execute this exciting transition to cans,鲁本斯·迪克说, Bierland的执行经理. “We were referred to 云顶集团糖果游戏 by one of its customers and were aware of the Company’s strong relationship with other craft beer and beverage brands throughout Brazil. We are committed to solely working with 云顶集团糖果游戏 as we take the Bierland brand to new heights.”

在设计Bierland的新包装时, 皇冠提供了图形指导, 油墨和涂饰, 以及在金属上印刷的细微差别, 创建八个不同的标签. 使用各种“高级”增强功能, 像哑光清漆, also helps deliver a tactile and visual experience to engage consumers and enhance brand differentiation. 

云顶集团糖果游戏 was eager to help Bierland build its brand through the adoption of metal packaging,法比奥·布雷多说, 商业, 云顶集团糖果游戏 Embalagens Metálicas da Amazônia S.A. “通过这一转变, Bierland has demonstrated its forward-thinking nature and desire to design the best brand experience possible for its customers. These characteristics align closely with our own core commitment to helping our customers innovate, 发展和培养持久的联系. We look forward to further collaboration with Bierland as the Brazilian craft beer market continues to thrive.”

Bierland的罐装产品现在可以在零售货架上买到. 作为下一步, the brewer anticipates expanding its presence from the southern region of Brazil to include new markets such as the central and northwestern regions of the country. 可堆叠的, lightweight design of beverage cans allows the brand to transport higher product volume per shipment and reportedly increase its output by three times its current levels. 


皇冠控股有限公司., 通过其子公司, is a leading global supplier of rigid packaging products to consumer marketing companies, 以及运输和保护性包装产品, 为广泛的终端市场提供设备和服务. 全球总部位于宾夕法尼亚州的亚德利. 


In South America: Fabio Braido, Sales Manager, 云顶集团糖果游戏 Embalagens Metálicas da Amazônia S.A.; Tel: 55 11 4529 1081; Email: 

墨西哥的Miguel Sibaja, 销售新业务, 云顶集团糖果游戏, 云顶集团糖果游戏, Food; Tel: +52 81 8328 6603; Email: 

在美国:Jon Beam, 营销经理, 云顶集团糖果游戏 云顶集团糖果游戏 North America; Tel: (215) 698-5248; Email: 

在欧洲:Veronique Curulla,市场部 & 云顶集团糖果游戏 Bevcan欧洲业务发展总监 & Middle East; Tel: 44 1235 40 2191; Email: 薇罗尼卡  

亚太区:Frank Koh, 高级副总裁, 云顶集团糖果游戏 Asia Pacific Holdings Ltd; Tel: 65 622 948 28; Email: 

编辑咨询:Cassandra Perretta, 助理客户经理, Finn Partners; Tel: (646) 213-7245; Email: 卡珊德拉  



Matte varnish helps deliver a tactile and visual experience to consumers.

  • Format helps craft brewers expand regional reach and respond to changing market demands
  • 密封防止产品过早变质
  • 便携性能方便移动消费吗
  • Robust sustainability platform contributes to Circular Economy