Efes Georgia and 云顶集团糖果游戏 Convert Traditional Medieval Poem Into Remarkable Modern Cans

Limited edition beer cans feature work from artist David Matchavariani to celebrate 12th century poem

亚德利,宾夕法尼亚州- 2020年11月11日. When acclaimed medieval poet Shota Rustaveli penned “The Knight in the Panther’s Skin” in the 12th century, he likely never imagined his work would become an irreplaceable part of Georgian history and international literature. 这首诗, 有时被格鲁吉亚人称为第二本圣经, 讲述了蒂娜廷王后的故事, 是谁命令她心爱的Spaspet Avtandil去帮助一个骑士, Tariel, 被发现穿着黑豹皮在哭泣, to retrieve his be爱d Nestan-Darejan from captivity and his kingdom from usurpers.

These idealized heroes and devoted friends are united by courtly 爱, 慷慨, 真诚奉献, 并宣布男女平等, 贯穿诗人作品的反复出现的主题. 今天,云顶集团糖果游戏 Bevcan Europe与我们紧密合作 & 中东, Efes Georgia (part of Efes Breweries International) and graphic artist David Matchavariani, has brought this epic story to life on a limited-edition series of beverage cans for Georgia’s leading beer brand – Natakhtari. The series contains four elaborately decorated cans depict the poem’s main characters and its key themes - wisdom, 友谊, 爱, 性别平等.

To achieve the finest line precision and tonal accuracy required to recreate Matchavariani’s illustrations and sophisticated details, 云顶集团糖果游戏’s experts used its state-of-the-art High-质量 Print technology to outstanding effect. The pre-press team developed a proprietary color separation methodology and dots knock out techniques and used the full capability of high-quality laser engraved printing plates to create the images. 这些罐头是在云顶集团糖果游戏位于土耳其的工厂生产的, where its printing experts ensured designs were accurately registered and ink film weights were precisely controlled. These steps maintained the quality of the work done by the company’s pre-press team while the cans were printed at high speed.

虽然看起来是黑白的, the printing process required the use of each of the eight available colors to effectively transfer all the image gradations and shadows onto the 360° can surface. The reflectivity of the aluminum substrate was leveraged with the help of transparent inks or substrate details. 当与哑光清漆结合时, the resulting subtle contrasts that lend an elegant appearance and unique feel to the cans support the premium image of the product and the brand.

The entire process was carried out with a focus on remaining as true to the essence of the story as possible, 并结合了一段非凡的故事, 才华横溢的艺术家, and a specialist in metal packaging has led to an exceptional series of beautiful cans. From Tinatin’s accession to the throne to Avtandil’s expression of the power of true 友谊 and unity against any trouble, what has been created here in metal essentially takes the works of art from both Rustaveli and Matchavariani and turns them into works of art in packaging.

The striking designs are already receiving recognition across Europe, having won Gold in the Beverage Two-Piece category of the Cans of the Year Awards 2020 and coming first in the Best Packaging 设计/Label category of the World Beverage 创新 Awards 2020

皇冠控股有限公司., 通过其子公司, is a leading global supplier of rigid packaging products to consumer marketing companies, 以及运输和保护性包装产品, 设备, 并服务于广泛的终端市场. 全球总部位于宾夕法尼亚州的亚德利. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 ksryhg.roomarea1.net. 


在欧洲:薇罗尼卡 Curulla,市场部 & 云顶集团糖果游戏 Bevcan欧洲业务发展总监 & 中东; Tel: 33 1 49 18 40 28; 电子邮件: 薇罗尼卡.Curulla@eur.roomarea1.net 

在美国:Jon Beam, 营销经理, 云顶集团糖果游戏 云顶集团糖果游戏 North America; Tel: (215) 698-5248; 电子邮件: 乔纳森.beam@roomarea1.net

In South America: 法比奥 Braido, Commercial Coordinator 云顶集团糖果游戏 Embalagens Metalicas da Amazonia S.A.; Tel:  55 11 4529-1081; 电子邮件: 法比奥.Braido@roomarea1.net.br   

墨西哥:新男友 Barney, 商务总监, 云顶集团糖果游戏 云顶集团糖果游戏 Mexico; Tel: 52 (722) 275 5810; 电子邮件: 新男友.Barney@famosa.com.mx 

亚太区:Frank Koh, 高级副总裁, 云顶集团糖果游戏 Asia Pacific Holdings Ltd; Tel: 65-622 948 28; 电子邮件: 弗兰克.koh@roomarea1.net.sg

编辑咨询:Maria Ciubotaru, 助理副总裁, FINN Partners; Tel: 44 207 017 8345; 电子邮件: 玛丽亚(女名).ciubotaru@finnpartners.com 


Printing process achieves the finest line precision and tonal accuracy

  • Cans have elegant appearance and unique feel thanks to addition of matte varnish
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